National Geographic has launched a captivating four-part documentary series that captures the intensity and emotion of the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) events held in 2023. Titled The Crux, the series provides a behind-the-scenes look at athletes as they vie for qualification spots in the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Filmed at key events, including the IFSC World Championships in Bern, Switzerland, the IFSC European Qualifier in Laval, France, the IFSC Asian Qualifier in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the IFSC Oceania Qualifier in Melbourne, Australia, The Crux offers viewers an unparalleled glimpse into the competitive world of sport climbing.
Directed by Nonuk Walter, Cole Sax, and Phil Hessler for Think Less Studios, and executive produced by Academy Award© winners Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin for Little Monsters Films, the series showcases the highs and lows of the athletes’ journeys, from the isolation zones to the moments after their climbs. The first two episodes are currently available to watch on YouTube, with the final episodes set to be released in the coming days.
The first two episodes of The Crux feature Paris 2024 Olympic champions Janja Garnbret from Slovenia and Toby Roberts from Great Britain. The series also highlights the journeys of emerging French climbers Oriane Bertone and Mejdi Schalck, Australia’s Campbell Harrison, Ukraine’s Ievgeniia Kazbekova, Austria’s Jakob Schubert, and Canada’s Alannah Yip.
All episodes are now streaming on the NatGeo YouTube channel.