Clip It, Clip It Good

Nothing says auto-belay safety like a music video with a good helping of cheese...

A day may come when we stop talking about the importance of safety checks for auto-belays… but it is NOT THIS DAY. That’s why we’ve got to share this fantastic video from industry leading auto-belay wizards TruBlue Climbing

All credit ges to

Keep checking yourself, checking your friends, and stay safe out there!


Share this video for a chance to WIN!

Gyms who share the video on their social channels with the tags #clipitgood and @trublueclimbing by Friday, February 25th will be entered to win annual service for five TRUBLUE Auto Belays (that’s worth $1000, folks!)

To download and share the video, click on the button below. In the new window that opens, select the three dots in the lower right corner and click “Download”.
